Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hi, I'm New Here!

Hello everyone!

I'm Lauren, one of the ladies who recently joined Professional Fangirl! I am incredibly excited to be here and can't wait to start talking with you about the things I love. 

Let me tell you a little about myself:

I am a devoted writer, committed gamer, avid hiker, undaunted crafter, and apprehensive (neophyte) coder.

I love science fiction, fantasy, superheroes, and horror in all mediums, so I spend my time, writing, reading, watching, and playing all of them.

I love deeply, and nothing gives me greater joy than sharing the things I am passionate about.

My job in customer service supports my writing and gaming habit, and I hope one day my writing (and creating video games!) will support my customer service habit.

I have a few poems published, some short stories on their way out, and a couple of full length manuscripts in editing before they're sent out into the world. I also blog in other places when the fancy strikes me and have lots of articles, press releases, and web content floating around the internet from my freelance writing gigs.

I may either be the child of neglectful dragons, or a time traveler's progeny, hidden in the past for some great destiny. I'm still working out which.

I have applied to be sent to Mars in 2022.

I hate cooking, even though I'm good at it.

I am a connoisseur of tea.

And chocolate.

And this is my favorite blog on the Citadel.

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me a little!

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